...is the friendly place you arrive at within the body, your vessel. This is the home of your tenderness, your calm, your authenticity. Don’t be afraid of this part of you. Can you open yourself completely to this force living inside, deep within your non-doing. Can you surrender your resistance, your wanting to close? Trust that it is safe.
I am no different than you. I, too fight in arriving there. I, too resist quieting and becoming still. I, too spend entire days avoiding my heart and the goodness that dwells there. Why??? Because I was, at some point, convinced (as we all were) that the simple, still place wasn’t enough. That that place will be hurt if exposed. That I must be preserved or protected for fear of being harmed.
The time has come to visit the stillness, create space and be seen for who we naturally are. To remember that the power of tenderness, vulnerability and simplicity are the very things that open cold, dark rooms bringing light, heart and truth to the surface. It’s a place that quiets war, frees burden or pain, and radiates compassion and forgiveness.
Slow down. Be still and listen.